I want to complete my UFO's (unfinished objects). Now, I am allowing myself the freedom to do an alterante project with the yarn. I have a few projects that are only about a few inches long, so I can unravel it and repurpose those yarns into a project that will actually see the light of day. I think that is more important than completing a project that had it's issues from the start!
I want to organize my patterns and craft ideas in a 3-ring binder. I have knit and crochet patterns stuffed everywhere, swatches in random bags, yarn labels in my notions bag and magazine image clippings tucked in books. My sister has her's organized in this manner and it was so nice to look through. I want to organize it with a section for Completed and one for To-Do. I will include those swatches in a sheet protector along with the pattern and yarn label.
I want to have patience (aka HP). I can't tell you the number of times I get worked-up over a project that is not coming out right or is taking too long. Mostly my sewing projects get me frustrated. I imagine something being easy or should only take a few hours and when it doesn't lay flat, or takes forever to complete, I often have meltdowns. Yes, I am admitting that I swear and often shed a few tears over my inability to accomplish the task at hand. I believe it is due to me always wanting to challenge myself and so, of course, I don't always pick it up as quick as I would like. I need to take a time-out and deal with my patience. New mantra: Breathe in, HP, Breathe out...
I would like to teach someone to knit. This may be for selfless or selfish reasons. I want to share my knitting skills with someone; it is a great gift to give. But, I would also like to have a local knitting buddy to hang out with and do my projects and swap ideas. I have taught one person to knit. She is still knitting and is developing her skills wonderfully. She emails me once and a while for help and I do what I can, long distance! A few people have expressed interest in learning to sew, so maybe I can get them to make that sewing machine purchase and I can help with that skill. Although, knowing my record with meltdowns, it might not be the best idea. Or I could think of it as working on my patience (Craftolution #3).
This is always something that needs constant watching. I need to be realitic with projects and I need to give myself more time to complete them. For example, with Christmas, I started in the beginning of November, but it still was not enough time to do all my homemade gift ideas. Another example is stating I'm going to make this one thing for everyone, then not liking the first one and having to come up with a Plan B; that happens often. So, if I start early enough, coming up with a Plan B or even C should be no sweat!
I want to get back into jogging. Now you're thinking, "How does this relate to the Craftolutions?" My thoughts are that knitting, crocheting, sewing, etc are pretty sedentary "sports" if you will. I need to keep a healthy body and a healthy mind to cut down on meltdowns and to have HP. Along with this, I want to complete at least one 5k a quarter. One year I did a 5k each month, because I had a goal to get my time under 30 minutes. I did not get under 30 minutes, but at least I was out in the sun doing something. I am not going to say under 30 minutes this time, but to get it between to 30 to 34 minutes. That is being realistic :-)
My last Craftolution is reading! Last year I read 16 books, so this year my goal is to read 17 books. I did finally finish reading my last book of 2010 (Knit Too). Not sure when I will be reading, since I will be so busy with jogging and completing UFO's. Ha ha. I don't like to pre-choose books, I will just read whatever I'm in the mood for at the time. I will try and break it down into quarters, so that will be about four books a quarter. I will post my reading lists as I go so I can stay on track.
So, what are your New Year's Resolutions? As long as you stay postive and set realistic goals, then you can achieve them. If you are having trouble, see me and I will help you stay on track. But, I also reserve the right to get your support with keeping me on track! Here is to 2011 [clink your knitting needles, crochet hooks, sewing needles, and book bindings together now]!
Nancy, I finally had a chance to catch up on your blog! I have o say that it is inspiring me to start (or finish) some projects. You forgot that you taught me to knit! I didn't stick with it, but I still love my scarf! I want to plan a weekend to come and visit in the spring. And we can run a race together if that will help you keep one of your craftolutions. I didn't make any resolutions this year except to get my life in order. Wait till you hear all of the plans I scheming up! Maybe I'll take pics of the process for the baby quilt I am going to start and be a guest blogger soon! Keep up the good work!! :)
Yes, I do remember I taught you to knit...and you got carpal-tunnel because you held the needles too tight! I am just dying to hear your 2011 Plan. Talk to you soon!
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