I will highlight them quickly:
- Complete UFO's: I did give away some yarn that someone else can repurpose, but I have not finished any of my UFO (unfinished object). There is a reason why they are unfinished and it is because I don't really like them. Life's too short to work on something that you dislike.
- Organize Projects in Binders: I did buy a binder and page protectors, I grabbed all of the projects, patterns, ideas and the such and placed them in a project bag, but that's about it. I have added to the bag occasionally, but have not put them in page protectors. One thing I am doing is my current patterns, I'm putting them in the page protector right in the beginning so when I do get to that binder, they are good to go.
- Have Patience: Yes, I believe that I have gotten better at this. I give myself more time and often come up with a Plan B, in case something goes awry. I can give my first Check to this one.
- Craft for Charity: I did not do this. I feel awful not having time to do this; I have no excuse. I have enough extra yarn and extra scraps of fabric, I just need to commit to this.
- Teach Someone to Knit: I think a friend or two may be interested in learning, but I have not pressed anyone to learn. I can't make someone learn! They know I do it, I knit in public (in front of them, often) and some read this blog. If that's not enough to convince someone that this is the hobby they have been missing out on, then I'm okay with that.
- Realistic Projects: I was very realistic with projects this year. So realistic, that I only knitted 4 toddler hats for Christmas. I knew I was not going to finish a project for each family member and friend, so I just went real and bought gifts. So much less stressful. The hats came out cute, that is good enough for me. Check #2.
- Jog in 5K's: I have been jogging. I jog about 3 times a week, but I could never get past 2 to 2.5 miles. A 5K is 3.2 miles. This year I have signed up for a 5K this February and have been jogging a 3.5 mile loop in my neighborhood once a week. It ain't pretty, but I can do it. It's all in my head, I convince myself that it's too hard, but I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and I will eventually get to the finish line.
- Read More: I already did a post on this just this month and I am no longer putting a "must read" number on my leisure book reading. I was only one book short and I could have squeezed it in, but I just did not care for the pressure.
- I will make less for other people and consider myself for projects first. I get the feeling that not all handmade gifts are appreciated. So, that being said, I will make what I like, for me.
- Read as many or a few books as I like. This was an internal battle for me, but it is for the best.
- Not stress over things that I have no control over. This is a huge one for me. I am a worry-wort, big time. I worry about everyone else and not enough about me. This has already taken effect a few months back, so I'm managing the real stress by jogging, thinking with a clearer head and not being such a perfectionist (Just let it go...).
I have started a new fitness thing (so cliche, I know), that counts calories. It is called MyFitnessPal. It is an online data base and food diary (also have apps for the iphone, Android and Blackberry). My sister turned me onto it and I started it for fun. Now, I am thinking that this is a good thing and I really want to stick with it. It allows you to search their food and exercise database for just about anything and everything. It shows nutrition info and helps determine calories burned during an exercise. It teaches you to take notice what you eat and how much of it. It is a tool to help you change your mindset on food and how you live based on that.
I am learning about portion size. My portions were not normal; they were too large. If you want to eat more, guess what? You have to exercise to build up your calorie bank again. It makes me want to get out and get moving so I can eat something good. I'm sure after a time, I will not crave bad stuff. You have to make the switch from eating a little bit of bad-for-you food, to a lot of good-for-you food. It is hard at first and I almost quit (I know, it happened after only 1 week on the food diary/calorie counting) but I came to terms with how I'm living now (bad eating habits and an embarrassing waistline) and how I want to live (healthy eating habits, an active lifestyle and a toned body). That is my goal.
I've only lost a few pounds and don't look any different, but I feel so much better, physically and mentally. It's a great feeling.
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